Sunday, January 29, 2017

My Word for the Year

I've been challenged by my professor to select one word in lieu of a resolution this year. This actually worked out perfectly for me because I don't always follow through on my resolutions. I chose FOCUS as my word. I originally had another word in mind but couldn't remember it. (I think it may have been manage, or something like that.) When I couldn't remember my original word, I told myself that I need to focus. With so much going on in my life I do need to focus. I should take time out to focus on whatever it is that I'm working on at the moment and give it my best work.


I've a always prided myself on the fact that I can manage the many facets of my life (and not lose my mind). I realized that I haven't given each task the individual attention it deserves. To help myself I've elected to keep my to-do list down to a few key items each night. Each item gets the attention it deserves and I can focus on something else that's been neglected, ME. I spend so much doing for others that I seldom do anything for myself, including rest.


This year I plan to focus and give each activity I'm involved in and aspect of my life the attention it deserves. 

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One of the biggest points I’ve learned this year is that writing should be organic. Each time we give an assignment we tell our students...